No limit Texas Holdem is a game based on fearlessness, whereas in fixed limit holdem relying on calculation is the best way to win. Players who win in fixed limit Texas Holdem win because they know when to take risks and when to play it safe. These players calculate the odds on every single play and combine this calculation with their experience to determine what the other players might have and what their chances are of beating them. Close attention is paid to the odds, so that the mathematical smart play can be made.
When playing in high stakes Texas Holdem games, every decision becomes magnified. One miscalculation can cost thousands of dollars. High stakes fixed limit Holdem players must be at their mental peak. There is no room for error. This is part of the reason why high stakes games in general are so exciting.
I’ve visited a number of poker rooms to find out which ones offer the best high stakes fixed limit Texas Holdem games. There are several excellent sites which offer some of the highest stakes online for limit Holdem. Here are the results of our research.
For a list of the best places to play high stakes texas holdem, please visit our online poker rooms page for the most updated list.