Ladbrokes Jumping Ship


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ladbrokes2Ladbrokes is one of the most recognizable names in the European markets and today some of the biggest news to hit the European market has surfaced that involves this giant. Effective immediately, the popular online betting site, which handles everything from simple sports bets to casino games to poker, is moving networks. The MicroGaming Network, which already holds a large number of skins on its network currently is Ladbroke’s network of choice.

Current and future Ladbrokes players will not see a change, except for some small software upgrades. However, some players are worried that popular tournaments and promotions will fade out. Ladbrokes announced that the move will not affect any play, and that their intention was to provide a smooth and pain free transition.

When asked about the move Ladbrokes Poker, MD Edward Ihre responded by saying  “the heart and soul of Ladbrokes Poker will remain – with some necessary enhancements to boost its vitality. As such, players can rest assured that the unrivalled security, reliability and trust that is synonymous with the Ladbrokes brand will continue to be of the utmost priority in our delivery and commitment to our customers.” Continued Ihre, “Ladbrokes Poker is known and respected worldwide and is indeed an online poker institution, we intend to retain the character whilst bringing together even more players. We’ll provide a greater range of game types and levels to play at and for the first time ever will have games available in both US dollars and Euros.”

Ladbrokes will be the most popular on the network. Before this move, the Ladbrokes network was not associated with any other network except for itself but it did license some MicroGaming software.

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