The Party Poker Mac download is probably why PartyPoker has coined its instant play software “Party Poker Anywhere.” Party Poker’s instant play software uses Java, and is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. However, Party Poker is not open to US poker players.
Party Poker Anywhere software is best suited for players who wish to play at work, school, on their boss’s computer, on Mac OS X, or anywhere which may not warrant a software installation. Using Party Poker instant play, there is no software to download, install, or uninstall. It’s also easy to play at work (clear your browser’s history). Don’t forget to use our Party Poker bonus code, BOCORP, for a 100% up to $500 deposit bonus!
Play Now!Party Poker – Mac OS
Party Poker Mac – Party Poker first introduced their Mac compatible poker software in 2006 offering a downloadable .dmg PartyPoker software and a no-download Party Poker software known as “Anywhere Poker.” Party Poker has since dropped their downloadable .dmg software, but still offers Anywhere Poker to Mac OS users. Additionally, the Party Poker instant play software has come a long way since 2006.
Party Poker – No Download
Party Poker No Download – A software download is not necessary to use Party Poker’s instant play software. Real money cash games were introduced to the Party Poker no-download software on September 10, 2006, and have since been fully operational. The software has been designed intuitively, and the Party Poker Mac download boasts all of the features that the downloadable PC software does.
Party Poker Java
Party Poker Java – Party Poker Anywhere software uses Java technology. Mac Poker players are required to install Macintosh Runtime for Java (MRJ) before using the Java Party Poker software. Don’t worry though, this is typically preinstalled on newer Mac computers so you’ll only have to install if you’re using an older Mac. If your Mac computer has an Intel chip, you should be in the clear and don’t need to manually install Java for Party Poker play. More information about MRJ can be found in the Party Poker Anywhere FAQ below.
Party Poker for Mac
Party Poker – Mac Download
Download Party Poker Mac – In late 2006, Party Poker tested a native .dmg download software, but after a testing period on and, the software was deemed too expensive to maintain and the idea was thrown out. At the time this was written (October 2010), there is no functional Party Poker download for Mac. Instead, we suggest using Party Poker Anywhere to play online poker at
Party Poker – Apple Boot Camp
If you have an Intel based Mac, you can install a free program made by Apple called Apple Boot Camp. The basic purpose of Apple Boot Camp is to allow Mac users to install Microsoft Windows on their Mac, allowing them access to many more software programs, including the downloadable software versions of online poker rooms, such as Party Poker. Although Apple provides Boot Camp to it’s patrons at no charge, a license to use Microsoft Windows must still be purchased.
Party Poker – Virtual Machine / PC Emulator
In the case that you do not have an Intel based Mac, you can use what is called a virtual machine / PC emulator download Party Poker’s PC software. A virtual machine works in a similar fashion to that of Apple Boot Camp, except there is a huge advantage. The Microsoft Windows environment is actually loaded within the Mac OS X. Virtual machines typically sell for a small fee, ranging from from $20 up to $130. If you’re interested in a virtual machine, we recommend the following brands.
- Parallels (Top pick!)
- VMWare Fusion
- Microsoft Virtual PC
For more information on installing a virtual machines to play Party Poker, visit one of our recommended software providers or read our PC Emulator in-depth analysis.
Party Poker for Mac Installation – Apple Boot Camp or PC Emulator
After you have installed a PC emulator or Microsoft Windows on your Apple Mac computer, you can begin to set up Party Poker for Mac by going to Click “Download” to begin downloading the Party Poker PC software. After you have done this, you will want to run the PartyPoker installer and install the Party Poker client onto your virtual machine.
Party Poker Anywhere – Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I deposit at Party Poker Anywhere?
A. Once you’ve registered and confirmed your email, you will want to make your first deposit. This can be accomplished by clicking the “Cashier” button in the Party Poker instant play software. Continue on to the “Deposit” section and select your preferred method of payment. Once your deposit is confirmed, you’ll be playing Party Poker Anywhere!
Q. Safari is my preferred web browser. What else must I do to play poker with PartyPoker Anywhere?
A. Party Poker requires the Macintosh Runtime for Java (MRJ) version minimum 2.2.4 to be installed on your Mac computer before playing Party Poker for Mac. MRJ should already be installed on your Mac computer, but if it is not, download the latest version of MRJ directly from Apple. Once MRJ is installed, double check that your settings are configured properly to use the MRJ to run Java applets.
Q. I have installed Macintosh Runtime for Java, but Party Poker Anywhere is still not displaying in my browser. Why won’t Party Poker for Mac work for me?
A. It may be possible that Java is disabled in your Safari browser. To enable it, go to Preferences –> Settings –> Web Content and check the box labeled “Enable Java.”
Q. What versions of Mac OS X does Party Poker Anywhere work on?
A. Party Poker Anywhere was developed to work with all versions of Mac OS X 10 or later. You’ll also need to be running Safari 1.0 or later or, if you’re a Mozilla user, FireFox version 1.5 or later.
Q. How do I right-click on my Mac?
A. Sometimes, the Party Poker Anywhere software will require you to right-click to remove chips from the table or perform certain functions. Press and hold -CTRL- while clicking the mouse or trackpad. This is the equivalent to a right-click on a PC.
Q. How long will it take for the Party Poker Java to open in my browser?
A. It depends on the speed of your Internet connection, but is typically very fast. 2-3 minutes on Dial-up, 30-60 seconds on DSL, 10-30 seconds on Cable, and just a couple seconds on anything faster such as T1.
Q. Why don’t the drop-down menus close when I play Party Poker for Mac?
A. It’s a common problem that Party Poker’s Mac developers are aware of. Party Poker claims to be working on it.
Q. Why does Party Poker Anywhere significantly increases the requirements of memory in Mozilla Firefox?
A. Party Poker is doing what they can to minimize the amount of memory required to operate their instant play software. However, because this is a known FireFox issue, Party Poker has no control over it.
Q. Why does a link open in the same page when I click any menu item in Firefox, causing my lobby to disappear?
A. You may encounter this problem when running Party Poker Anywhere in FireFox. To repair this matter, go to Preferences –> Tabs –> Open links from other applications in: and select “a new tab in the most recent window.”